Currently, the funds we have available in digital format are:
- Mensa episcopal: Visites Pastorals
- Fons parroquials: Camprodon, Castellterçol, L'Estany, Malla, Muntanyola, Òdena, Rajadell, Setcases, Sant Quirze de Safaja, Seva, Prats de Lluçanès, Sant Martí de Merlès
- Fons conventuals, capelles i santuaris: Pergamins de Sant Llorenç del Munt
- Arxiu Capitular: Libri Epistolarum, Libri Secretariatus, Registrum Epistolarum
- Arxiu del Capbreu: Sepultures, novenals i cap d'anys
- Arxiu Cúria Fumada: Testaments, Capítols matrimonials
You can make the hierarchical query through the following link
You can consult the pastoral visits through the following link
The descriptions and other content from the website are not translated into English, sorry for the inconvenience.